three meals ( breakfast, lunch and supper )
参考例句:I eat three meals a day the biggest is myevening meal.我一天吃三餐最主要的是晚餐。
Now I can break my fast, dine, sup, andsleep, upon the very name of love如今只要提起爱情这个字眼儿,我就能够三餐不吃,觉也不睡。
原创 | 2022-12-17 12:53:46 |浏览:1.6万
three meals ( breakfast, lunch and supper )
参考例句:I eat three meals a day the biggest is myevening meal.我一天吃三餐最主要的是晚餐。
Now I can break my fast, dine, sup, andsleep, upon the very name of love如今只要提起爱情这个字眼儿,我就能够三餐不吃,觉也不睡。
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