同义词是 in time,表示及时,例如:
1、I hope we get there in time.我希望我们及时到达那里。
2、She worked hard so that everything would be ready in time.她卖力地干着,为的是一切能够及时就序。
3、You're just in time.你来得正是时候。
4、Did you get your article done in time?你的论文按时完成了吗
原创 | 2022-12-05 22:11:31 |浏览:1.6万
同义词是 in time,表示及时,例如:
1、I hope we get there in time.我希望我们及时到达那里。
2、She worked hard so that everything would be ready in time.她卖力地干着,为的是一切能够及时就序。
3、You're just in time.你来得正是时候。
4、Did you get your article done in time?你的论文按时完成了吗
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