1、He was injured early on and didn't last the match.他开赛后不久就受了伤,没法坚持到底。
2、Share prices fell early on but rose again late in the day.那天股票价格起先跌了,临近收盘时又涨了。
3、I knew quite early on that I wanted to marry her.我老早就知道我想娶她。
原创 | 2022-12-04 18:57:04 |浏览:1.6万
1、He was injured early on and didn't last the match.他开赛后不久就受了伤,没法坚持到底。
2、Share prices fell early on but rose again late in the day.那天股票价格起先跌了,临近收盘时又涨了。
3、I knew quite early on that I wanted to marry her.我老早就知道我想娶她。
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