一岁的英文是one year old
一周岁的英文是one full year of life
Notice no persons under 18 years of age will be served on these premises 注意,18周岁以下的公民不得进入该类场所。从类似的句子看,一周岁的英文简称可以说one full year 或one year of age
原创 | 2022-11-25 10:27:11 |浏览:1.6万
一岁的英文是one year old
一周岁的英文是one full year of life
Notice no persons under 18 years of age will be served on these premises 注意,18周岁以下的公民不得进入该类场所。从类似的句子看,一周岁的英文简称可以说one full year 或one year of age
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