!be late,晚到,迟到,反义词是arrive early,be early 中文意思是,早到
我们是最早到的,夜里来了更多人。We were the first to arrive and more people came during the night.
早到的轻松要好过迟到的紧张!It's much better to be early and relaxed than late and stressed!
原创 | 2022-11-24 20:24:59 |浏览:1.6万
!be late,晚到,迟到,反义词是arrive early,be early 中文意思是,早到
我们是最早到的,夜里来了更多人。We were the first to arrive and more people came during the night.
早到的轻松要好过迟到的紧张!It's much better to be early and relaxed than late and stressed!
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