tofu是不数名词,因为tofu是食物名词为不可数名词,tofu中文意思是n. 豆腐
Mapo beancurd is made of tofu and bean-based sauce. It is often topped with minced meat, usually pork or beef.麻婆豆腐由豆腐和豆瓣酱做成。它上面经常撒以碎肉,通常是猪肉或牛肉。
原创 | 2022-11-24 16:51:12 |浏览:1.6万
tofu是不数名词,因为tofu是食物名词为不可数名词,tofu中文意思是n. 豆腐
Mapo beancurd is made of tofu and bean-based sauce. It is often topped with minced meat, usually pork or beef.麻婆豆腐由豆腐和豆瓣酱做成。它上面经常撒以碎肉,通常是猪肉或牛肉。
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