是pantry的词根,中文意思是n. 餐具室食品室食品储藏室
Besides the meal and pantry food lockers, a fresh food locker is packed at KSC and installed on the shuttle 18 to 24 hours before launch.除了饭和食品储藏室,一个新食品柜也在肯尼迪天空中心被打包,并在发射前18到24小时装上航天飞机。
原创 | 2023-01-08 19:00:53 |浏览:1.6万
是pantry的词根,中文意思是n. 餐具室食品室食品储藏室
Besides the meal and pantry food lockers, a fresh food locker is packed at KSC and installed on the shuttle 18 to 24 hours before launch.除了饭和食品储藏室,一个新食品柜也在肯尼迪天空中心被打包,并在发射前18到24小时装上航天飞机。
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