1、They get along quite well, though they are not close friends.他们彼此还谈得来,虽然并没有深交。
2、He and I are not close.我和他关系疏浅。
3、The two ministers did not close with each other until the near end of the meeting.直到会议即将结束之际,两位部长才达成协议。
原创 | 2023-01-08 18:41:00 |浏览:1.6万
1、They get along quite well, though they are not close friends.他们彼此还谈得来,虽然并没有深交。
2、He and I are not close.我和他关系疏浅。
3、The two ministers did not close with each other until the near end of the meeting.直到会议即将结束之际,两位部长才达成协议。
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