在英语中despite这个单词是一个介词,其含义是尽管,虽然,后面只能接名词代词动词的ing作宾语。它可以替换为in spite of。
As far as I am concerned, all of us should be brave despite some difficulties.
Despite being cold, I will go to visit my good frieng in the hospital.
原创 | 2023-01-01 18:36:19 |浏览:1.6万
在英语中despite这个单词是一个介词,其含义是尽管,虽然,后面只能接名词代词动词的ing作宾语。它可以替换为in spite of。
As far as I am concerned, all of us should be brave despite some difficulties.
Despite being cold, I will go to visit my good frieng in the hospital.
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