honest否定前缀加dis.dishonst 中文意思是adj. 不诚实的欺诈的
It would be dishonest to mislead people and not to present the data as fairly as possible.误导人们、不尽可能公正地提供数据是不诚实的。
In all fairness he had to admit that she was neither dishonest nor lazy.
原创 | 2023-01-01 16:02:12 |浏览:1.6万
honest否定前缀加dis.dishonst 中文意思是adj. 不诚实的欺诈的
It would be dishonest to mislead people and not to present the data as fairly as possible.误导人们、不尽可能公正地提供数据是不诚实的。
In all fairness he had to admit that she was neither dishonest nor lazy.
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