根据题意,英语短语get popular的意思是变得受欢迎。他可以这样造句, the little boy is getting popular in the school。这个小男孩在这所学校逐渐变得受欢迎。get是一个系动词,它的意思是变得。popular是一个形容词作表语,它的意思是受欢迎的。

get popular造句

1、I know some people get hugely popular with the content they put online.我知道有些人因为他们上传的内容而大受欢迎。

2、With low latency and ultra-fast download speed, visualized news products such as short videos are expected to get even more popular with the arrival of 5G.由于具有低延迟和超快速的下载速度,随着5G的到来,如短视频一类的可视化的新闻产品有望变得越来越流行。