路飞英文名是Monkey D Luffy。
《海贼王》讲述了蒙奇·D·路飞梦想成为海贼王,与同伴在大海上远航寻找宝藏One Piece的故事。
The cartoon's story centers on Monkey D.Luffy, who dreams of being the king of pirates as he travels the seas with his buddies in search of a treasure called One Piece.
原创 | 2023-01-01 14:12:43 |浏览:1.6万
路飞英文名是Monkey D Luffy。
《海贼王》讲述了蒙奇·D·路飞梦想成为海贼王,与同伴在大海上远航寻找宝藏One Piece的故事。
The cartoon's story centers on Monkey D.Luffy, who dreams of being the king of pirates as he travels the seas with his buddies in search of a treasure called One Piece.
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