1、At the same time, these clouds trap in some of Earth's heat.同时,这些云层还会留住一些地球的热量。
2、Some workers get a trap in their store because of bees.有些工人在自己的商店里设一个陷阱来组织蜜蜂。
3、They trap in heart which warms up the earth.它们会把热量困住,而这就让地球变暖了。
原创 | 2023-01-01 13:54:35 |浏览:1.6万
1、At the same time, these clouds trap in some of Earth's heat.同时,这些云层还会留住一些地球的热量。
2、Some workers get a trap in their store because of bees.有些工人在自己的商店里设一个陷阱来组织蜜蜂。
3、They trap in heart which warms up the earth.它们会把热量困住,而这就让地球变暖了。
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