two times前面用介词for,例如:
1、I have been to China for two times.我来中国两次了。
2、Listen to the dialogue and read it for two times.听和读是提高学生英语能力所必须的。
3、The Yong Pioneers the rooms for two times a week.少先队员们为老人门一周两次打扫房间。
原创 | 2023-01-01 13:21:48 |浏览:1.6万
two times前面用介词for,例如:
1、I have been to China for two times.我来中国两次了。
2、Listen to the dialogue and read it for two times.听和读是提高学生英语能力所必须的。
3、The Yong Pioneers the rooms for two times a week.少先队员们为老人门一周两次打扫房间。
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