1、The new degree and the existing certificate courses would run in parallel.新的学位课程和现有的证书课程将并行开设。
2、The road and the canal run parallel to each other.道路与运河平行。
3、This tradition has no parallel in our culture.这种传统在我们的文化中是没有的。
原创 | 2023-01-01 12:18:16 |浏览:1.6万
1、The new degree and the existing certificate courses would run in parallel.新的学位课程和现有的证书课程将并行开设。
2、The road and the canal run parallel to each other.道路与运河平行。
3、This tradition has no parallel in our culture.这种传统在我们的文化中是没有的。
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