1、She was a problem child, always in trouble with the police.她曾是个问题儿童,总是给警察惹麻烦。
2、A few borrowers will find themselves in trouble with their repayments through no fault of their own.一些借款人会发现,他们还款遇到了麻烦,但根本不是由于自身的过失造成的。
原创 | 2023-01-01 11:03:09 |浏览:1.6万
1、She was a problem child, always in trouble with the police.她曾是个问题儿童,总是给警察惹麻烦。
2、A few borrowers will find themselves in trouble with their repayments through no fault of their own.一些借款人会发现,他们还款遇到了麻烦,但根本不是由于自身的过失造成的。
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