1、How far is it to your house from here?从这儿到你家有多远
2、How far is it from here?离这里多远
3、How far have you got with that report?你那个报告写得怎么样了
4、How far is human nature determined by biology?人性在多大程度上是由其生理因素决定的
原创 | 2022-12-31 22:44:33 |浏览:1.6万
1、How far is it to your house from here?从这儿到你家有多远
2、How far is it from here?离这里多远
3、How far have you got with that report?你那个报告写得怎么样了
4、How far is human nature determined by biology?人性在多大程度上是由其生理因素决定的
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