1、It is used in medicine for its stimulant quality.由于它有兴奋剂的特性而被应用于医学。
2、Purpose: it is used for the test after assembly.用途:用于转向架装配试验。
3、It is used for increase the temperature in winter or low temperature environment产品为油热式,用于冬季取暖或增加低温环境温度的设备
原创 | 2022-12-31 21:36:05 |浏览:1.6万
1、It is used in medicine for its stimulant quality.由于它有兴奋剂的特性而被应用于医学。
2、Purpose: it is used for the test after assembly.用途:用于转向架装配试验。
3、It is used for increase the temperature in winter or low temperature environment产品为油热式,用于冬季取暖或增加低温环境温度的设备
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