the end前面用介词 the end中文意思是adv,终于,最后
These things were widely used in the end of the 20th and in the beginning of the 21st centuries.这些物品在20世纪末和21世纪初被广泛应用。
In the end, wiser counsels prevailed.高明的建议最终占了上风。
原创 | 2022-12-31 21:08:51 |浏览:1.6万
the end前面用介词 the end中文意思是adv,终于,最后
These things were widely used in the end of the 20th and in the beginning of the 21st centuries.这些物品在20世纪末和21世纪初被广泛应用。
In the end, wiser counsels prevailed.高明的建议最终占了上风。
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