词源secure+ities词缀,中文意思是n. [金融]有价证券担保抵押物(security 的复数)保证人
Recently, there is a bit of a scandal regarding these rating agencies because they gave AAA ratings to some subprime securities.
最近,出现了一点关于评级机构的丑闻,因为他们将一些次级证券评为 AAA 级。
原创 | 2022-12-31 20:09:14 |浏览:1.6万
词源secure+ities词缀,中文意思是n. [金融]有价证券担保抵押物(security 的复数)保证人
Recently, there is a bit of a scandal regarding these rating agencies because they gave AAA ratings to some subprime securities.
最近,出现了一点关于评级机构的丑闻,因为他们将一些次级证券评为 AAA 级。
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