
He has developed an interest in reading book .他产生了对读书的爱好。

The jews were yet to develop their book .犹太人还在编写他们的书。

Alferd developed a taste for the wine .艾怀弗雷德很喜欢喝这种酒。

Law is developed by various communities .法律由不同社会阶层发展起来。

Under the genetic plan, organs develop .器官的发育依据遗传图式而进行。

Friction soon developed in the colony .没有多久,移民队内部发生了龃龉。

She is well developed for her age .她比她的实际年龄看起来成熟。

She developed a few harmless eccentricities .她逐渐养成一些无害的癖性。

In many basidiomycetes barrages develop.在许多担子菌中也发生一些栅栏。

The series developed below are sensible .下面所导出的级数是切合实际的。