drop的近义词是: fall

The colonel's eyes dropped with tiredness .上校的眼睛累得张不开了。

A few drops of wine had spilled upon the table .有几滴酒溅在桌子上。

Thus, the terminal voltage drops to zero .这样,路端电压就降到零。

Drop your cigarette ashes into the ashtray .请把香烟灰弹在烟灰缸里。

For he knew he wanted him to drop it .因为他心里就是巴不得要他失手。

My sister dropped round last night .昨晚,我姐姐顺便来我这儿串门儿。

And then we can drop it on the world .到那时,我们就可以让它问世了。

Look , can we just drop the subject ?我说,我们能不能别再谈这件事了

Tom blanched and dropped his eyes .汤姆脸色发白,眼睛也直往下望。

Drop data may be presented as moving pictures .投放数据可以拍成电影。