
Our ship made head against the wind and waves .我们的船顶着风浪前进。

He tendered the shipping documents required .他递交了必要的装货单据。

The new ship cut her cable and slipped into the water .新船砍缆下水。

The ship buffeted her way through the waves .这艘船在浪涛中奋勇前行。

Every corner of the ship was thronged .船上每个角落都是人头攒动。

Thomas was skilled in handling the ship .现在,托马斯已熟悉驾船技术。

The ship was tossed back and forth by the waves .那船随波涛颠簸。

The ship was jammed between two rocks .那艘船被卡在两块暗礁之间。

The ship stopped and was safely tied up .船停了下来,安全地系好缆绳。