1、The boat drifted ashore on an island.小船漂浮到海岛的岸边。
2、Napoleon was sent into exile on an island.拿破仑被流放到一个岛上。
3、Chapter 4 A new life on an island.第四章孤岛上的新生活。
4、Five years on an island and you still know who they are.五年在岛上你还记得他们是谁。
原创 | 2022-12-17 17:09:57 |浏览:1.6万
1、The boat drifted ashore on an island.小船漂浮到海岛的岸边。
2、Napoleon was sent into exile on an island.拿破仑被流放到一个岛上。
3、Chapter 4 A new life on an island.第四章孤岛上的新生活。
4、Five years on an island and you still know who they are.五年在岛上你还记得他们是谁。
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