1、He could hear someone moving around in the room above.他能听到楼上屋里有人走动。
2、It was three weeks later that he heard the news.三个星期之后他才听到这个消息。
3、Many's the time I heard her use those words.我不止一次听她说过那样的话。
原创 | 2022-12-17 16:51:07 |浏览:1.6万
1、He could hear someone moving around in the room above.他能听到楼上屋里有人走动。
2、It was three weeks later that he heard the news.三个星期之后他才听到这个消息。
3、Many's the time I heard her use those words.我不止一次听她说过那样的话。
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