词根cas+ino词缀,中文意思是n. 赌场
Their taste for gambling has endeared them to Las Vegas casino owners.他们对赌博的爱好使其受到了拉斯韦加斯赌场老板们的欢迎。
He had never gambled before the casino cent him a coupon for $20 worth of gambling.在赌场给他发了一张价值20美元的赌博优惠券之前,他从未赌博过。
原创 | 2022-12-17 16:46:25 |浏览:1.6万
词根cas+ino词缀,中文意思是n. 赌场
Their taste for gambling has endeared them to Las Vegas casino owners.他们对赌博的爱好使其受到了拉斯韦加斯赌场老板们的欢迎。
He had never gambled before the casino cent him a coupon for $20 worth of gambling.在赌场给他发了一张价值20美元的赌博优惠券之前,他从未赌博过。
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