1、This model was two years in the making.这种型号是用两年时间制成的。
2、The new law was introduced in 1991.这项新法律是于1991年开始实施的。
3、It was concluded that the level of change necessary would be low.结论是,需要作出的变更程度很低。
原创 | 2022-12-17 16:23:50 |浏览:1.6万
1、This model was two years in the making.这种型号是用两年时间制成的。
2、The new law was introduced in 1991.这项新法律是于1991年开始实施的。
3、It was concluded that the level of change necessary would be low.结论是,需要作出的变更程度很低。
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