1、Today is life the only life you are sure of.今天的生活,是你唯一可以确信的生活。
2、There's still coal down there, I'm sure of it.我确信下面还有煤矿的。
3、Even when you are so sure of your own guilt.即使现在你完全确信自己的罪行。
原创 | 2022-12-17 16:06:44 |浏览:1.6万
1、Today is life the only life you are sure of.今天的生活,是你唯一可以确信的生活。
2、There's still coal down there, I'm sure of it.我确信下面还有煤矿的。
3、Even when you are so sure of your own guilt.即使现在你完全确信自己的罪行。
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