词源是wrestle,其构词法是词源wrestl+后缀ing,中文意思是v. (与某人)摔跤,扭打使劲搬动,用力操作努力解决,艰难对付(wrestle 的现在分词),n. 摔跤运动
Once the kids have been bucked off, the game generally dissolves into a raucous bout of wrestling and tickling.一旦孩子们跃起,游戏就会变成一场喧闹的摔跤和挠痒痒。
原创 | 2022-12-17 15:45:23 |浏览:1.6万
词源是wrestle,其构词法是词源wrestl+后缀ing,中文意思是v. (与某人)摔跤,扭打使劲搬动,用力操作努力解决,艰难对付(wrestle 的现在分词),n. 摔跤运动
Once the kids have been bucked off, the game generally dissolves into a raucous bout of wrestling and tickling.一旦孩子们跃起,游戏就会变成一场喧闹的摔跤和挠痒痒。
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