On New Year's Eve

在除夕夜 除夕夜只是一天 所以具体某一天介词要用on

类似的还有 on Christmas Eve


at Christmas

during the new year

应该是At New Year's Eve 还是 On New Year's Eve 用At New Year's Eve 意思是除夕 例句: at Christmas Eve 在平安夜

new years eve前用什么介词


1、Do you stay up until midnight on New Years Eve?在除夕夜里,你会守岁吗

2、On New Years Eve , the two younger sisters watched the two older girls get ready for the party.新年除夕,两个妹妹看着两个姐姐为舞会做准备。

3、On New Years Eve we took two gentlemen to a house in the West End , and were told to come for them at eleveno clock.新年前夜,我们把两位先生送到西区一座房子,他们叫我们11点来接。