一般将来时应该写成will stop,中文意思是将停止
The company said it will stop producing fertilizer in 1990 because of continued losses.该公司称,由于持续亏损而将于1990年停止生产化肥。
Leaving the relationship does not mean that the battering will stop.脱离了这种关系并不意味着虐待会停止。
原创 | 2022-12-17 15:10:01 |浏览:1.6万
一般将来时应该写成will stop,中文意思是将停止
The company said it will stop producing fertilizer in 1990 because of continued losses.该公司称,由于持续亏损而将于1990年停止生产化肥。
Leaving the relationship does not mean that the battering will stop.脱离了这种关系并不意味着虐待会停止。
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