identify后面加介词with 。identify with的中文意思是认为……等同于,与一致
Although they will be excited by the struggle for first place, they will also identify with the ordinary person trying to fulfill his or her physical potential.虽然他们会为争夺第一名而兴奋,但他们也会认同那些努力发挥自己身体潜力的普通人。
原创 | 2022-12-17 15:02:06 |浏览:1.6万
identify后面加介词with 。identify with的中文意思是认为……等同于,与一致
Although they will be excited by the struggle for first place, they will also identify with the ordinary person trying to fulfill his or her physical potential.虽然他们会为争夺第一名而兴奋,但他们也会认同那些努力发挥自己身体潜力的普通人。
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