
Dad and Mom father and mother Papa and Mama


1、自豪的爸爸妈妈为此专门买了一辆全新的大众甲壳虫作为毕业礼物给我。My proud parents bought me a brand-new volkswagen beetle as a graduation present.

2、我和艾瑞克在一起的时间要比爸爸妈妈多得多。I spend even more time with eric than mum and dad.

3、我爸爸妈妈给我举行了一个中式的生日聚会!My mother and father gave me a chinese part for my birthday!

4、你是跟爸爸妈妈来这里的吗?Are you here with your father and mother?


口语常用:Dad, Mom, Man, Woman

Mom and Dad, men and women



Men are strong and women are pretty.

Dad is handsome and Mom is beautiful.

Mom and Dad love their kids.

Men and women love a happy life.

Mom and Dad and my family of three are very happy.