1、Notices painted on sheets hang at every entrance.写在纸上的告示悬挂在每个入口。
2、It just hung over the cliff.它正好悬挂在山崖上方。
3、Oh, let's get two and hang the expense!哎呀,我们买两份吧,管它多少钱!
4、Don't hang up on me ─ we must talk!别挂断电话——我们一定得谈谈!
原创 | 2022-12-17 14:04:40 |浏览:1.6万
1、Notices painted on sheets hang at every entrance.写在纸上的告示悬挂在每个入口。
2、It just hung over the cliff.它正好悬挂在山崖上方。
3、Oh, let's get two and hang the expense!哎呀,我们买两份吧,管它多少钱!
4、Don't hang up on me ─ we must talk!别挂断电话——我们一定得谈谈!
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