shone的形容词: shining

adj. 光亮的华丽的杰出的

v. 闪烁,发亮把……照向擦亮,擦光(眼睛因情感而)发亮出色,出类拔萃(品质或技能)显露(shine 的现在分词)

His fierce eyes shone in the moonlight .月光下,他的两只眼睛闪着凶光。

It gave her such an opportunity to shine .这给了她一个炫耀才华的机会。

The harvest moon shone clear outside .中秋的满月在外面照得很亮。

The sun seemed to shine with a steady glare .太阳好象一直炽热的照耀着。

Drouet fairly shone in the matter of serving .杜洛埃眉飞色舞地献着殷勤。

Shine your torch into the drawer .你用手电筒照一下这抽屉里面。

The sun shone hot and full in my face .强烈的阳光热辣辣地正照在我的脸上。