n. 光光线灯打火机领悟浅色天窗
adj. 轻的浅色的明亮的轻松的容易的清淡的
vi. 点着变亮着火
vt. 照亮点燃着火
adv. 轻地清楚地轻便地
In spring the evenings start to get lighter .春天天渐渐黑得晚了。
All at once thunder and lighting began .眨眼间,传来霹雳和闪电。
The austerely lighted garage was quiet .灯光黯淡的车库静悄悄的。
A match ignited her light summer dress .火柴突然燃着她身上薄薄的夏装。
A light was still burning in his study .他的书房里仍有孤灯独燃。
Dim your lights when a car is coming .当有车开过来时,把你的车灯弄暗。
The tungsten shines and gives a good light .钨丝发亮而射出耀眼的光芒。
Switch on the light at the wall-socket .把电灯接通在墙上的电源插座上。
Again i spun the lighter with my thumb .我用拇指重又开燃打火机。
I hate lights being shone in my face .我不喜欢灯光正对着我的脸。
生僻的意思 僻性:生僻的词性 light/lighting/lighter (19 次 ) 【熟义熟性】 n.光,发光体,灯 Light-year 光年 【僻义僻性】 lighting...