1、Apparently the girls are not at all amused by the whole business据说女孩们觉得整件事情一点也不好笑。
2、The girls watched, little teasing smiles animating their faces.女孩们注视着,脸上挂着调皮的微笑,显得愈加活泼。
3、I'm having a night out with the girls.我今晚要和女友们外出。
原创 | 2022-12-17 11:15:48 |浏览:1.6万
1、Apparently the girls are not at all amused by the whole business据说女孩们觉得整件事情一点也不好笑。
2、The girls watched, little teasing smiles animating their faces.女孩们注视着,脸上挂着调皮的微笑,显得愈加活泼。
3、I'm having a night out with the girls.我今晚要和女友们外出。
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