hand和apple的a发音一样: /æ/

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush .双鸟在林不如一鸟在手。

He had good eyes and a pair of fast hands .他的眼睛雪亮,双手勤快。

Faber cupped hands around his mouth .菲伯尔用手在嘴边做了个剌叭筒。

This hint was enough to bind my hands .这个暗示已够使我束手无策了。

We should settle the business on hand first .应该先处理眼底下的事。

Reynolds loosened his hand on my collar .雷诺兹松手放开了我的衣领。

They were hired hands and lickspittles .他们是些雇佣的下手和马屁精。

Let us join hands and advance together .让我们携起手来,共同前进。

The veins stand out on the back of her hands .她的手背上露着青筋。