1、You'd better see a doctor about that cough.你最好找医生治治你的咳嗽。
2、I tried to persuade her to see a doctor.我极力劝她去看医生。
3、Don't just stand there, man ─ get a doctor!你这家伙,别只是站着——赶紧去找医生呀!
原创 | 2022-12-16 17:28:58 |浏览:1.6万
1、You'd better see a doctor about that cough.你最好找医生治治你的咳嗽。
2、I tried to persuade her to see a doctor.我极力劝她去看医生。
3、Don't just stand there, man ─ get a doctor!你这家伙,别只是站着——赶紧去找医生呀!
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