decorated with,例如:
1、The room was decorated with twee little pictures of animals.这个房间里挂满了花哨的动物小图片。
2、The rooms were decorated with rich fabrics.这些屋子装饰着华丽昂贵的织物。
3、The room was decorated with flowers and greenery.屋里装点着花卉和绿叶植物。
原创 | 2022-12-16 17:21:25 |浏览:1.6万
decorated with,例如:
1、The room was decorated with twee little pictures of animals.这个房间里挂满了花哨的动物小图片。
2、The rooms were decorated with rich fabrics.这些屋子装饰着华丽昂贵的织物。
3、The room was decorated with flowers and greenery.屋里装点着花卉和绿叶植物。
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