Simile 是用来比较事物,其中会有用到 LIKE AS 这种比较词就像 She eats like a pig.Metaphor 也是用来比较事物,但是不会用到这些词语就像 When she eats, she is a pig.或 The sound of her voice can be best describe to an old man's scream.
原创 | 2022-12-16 17:10:54 |浏览:1.6万
Simile 是用来比较事物,其中会有用到 LIKE AS 这种比较词就像 She eats like a pig.Metaphor 也是用来比较事物,但是不会用到这些词语就像 When she eats, she is a pig.或 The sound of her voice can be best describe to an old man's scream.
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