rect前缀的意思是abbr. 矩形(rectangular)收据(receipt)
Point and RECT are safe as they contain no Pointers or references to data stored in memory.点和矩形是安全的,因为它们不包含指针或内存中存储的数据参考。
One of the regions and them get the RECT array the is used to created the region.
原创 | 2022-12-08 13:23:46 |浏览:1.6万
rect前缀的意思是abbr. 矩形(rectangular)收据(receipt)
Point and RECT are safe as they contain no Pointers or references to data stored in memory.点和矩形是安全的,因为它们不包含指针或内存中存储的数据参考。
One of the regions and them get the RECT array the is used to created the region.
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