
adj. 准备好现成的迅速的情愿的快要…的

n. 现款预备好的状态

We must pack up and get ready to start .我们得打好行李准备动身了。

I think they have everything ready .我想他们事先已做好各种准备了。

We are ready to take a stroll in the village .我们准备到村里遛遛。

The filter is now ready for operation .这种滤器目前即将投入运转。

Now i am ready to brave the day .我一切就绪,可以迎接一天的战斗。

When the chanting began, he was ready .哀乐大作,他已经准备停当。

She looked ready to collapse at any minute .她看样子随时都可能垮下来。

Richard said he was ready for anything .理查德说他什么都愿意干。

They are ready to fight a decisive battle .他们做好会战的准备。

We have to be ready for any eventuality .我们必须准备好以防万一的后果。