1、Cut down on animal fats found in red meat, hard cheeses and so on.减少摄入存在于红色肉类、硬干酪等中的动物脂肪。

2、He reported to a section chief, who reported to a division chief, and so on up the line.他由组长领导,组长由部门主管领导,如此逐级向上。

3、Consumer durables such as refrigerators, television sets, bicycles and so on were produced in large quantities.冰箱、电视、自行车等耐用消费品被大批量地生产出来。

so on的句型

一般so on跟在and后面连用,表示等等一系列的意思。

举例,We discussed everything---when to go, what to do and so on.