1、They took a vote on who should go first.他们以投票方式决定谁先走。
2、Voting will take place on May 1.投票将于5月1日进行。
3、The government proposed changes to the voting system.政府建议修改表决制度。
4、Voting will take place on May 1.投票将于5月1日进行。
原创 | 2022-12-06 17:19:21 |浏览:1.6万
1、They took a vote on who should go first.他们以投票方式决定谁先走。
2、Voting will take place on May 1.投票将于5月1日进行。
3、The government proposed changes to the voting system.政府建议修改表决制度。
4、Voting will take place on May 1.投票将于5月1日进行。
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