fic词根是fiction 它的中文意思是“小说虚构的事,谎言杜撰,编造”
Is it possible to separate truth from fiction?有可能区分事实和谎言吗
Fiction and reality were increasingly blurred.小说与现实越来越混淆难分。
I read everything from fiction to history.
原创 | 2022-12-05 20:43:54 |浏览:1.6万
fic词根是fiction 它的中文意思是“小说虚构的事,谎言杜撰,编造”
Is it possible to separate truth from fiction?有可能区分事实和谎言吗
Fiction and reality were increasingly blurred.小说与现实越来越混淆难分。
I read everything from fiction to history.
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