Join in with us and take the risk.
Tom joined the Army last year.汤姆去年参军了。
Jack can join in this speech activity.杰克可以参军这次的演讲活动。
Tim took part in this acticity and helped each other positively.提米参加了这次活动而且积极帮助他人。
原创 | 2022-12-05 20:35:27 |浏览:1.6万
Join in with us and take the risk.
Tom joined the Army last year.汤姆去年参军了。
Jack can join in this speech activity.杰克可以参军这次的演讲活动。
Tim took part in this acticity and helped each other positively.提米参加了这次活动而且积极帮助他人。
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