否定形式是she is not,例如:
1、She is not a domineering mother.她不是一个爱发号施令的母亲。
2、She is not my friend, just an acquaintance.她不是我的朋友,只是一个熟人。
3、She is not short of excuses when things go wrong.事情出了差错,她老有借口。
4、She is not afraid to laugh at herself.她不怕取笑自己。
原创 | 2022-12-05 19:32:35 |浏览:1.6万
否定形式是she is not,例如:
1、She is not a domineering mother.她不是一个爱发号施令的母亲。
2、She is not my friend, just an acquaintance.她不是我的朋友,只是一个熟人。
3、She is not short of excuses when things go wrong.事情出了差错,她老有借口。
4、She is not afraid to laugh at herself.她不怕取笑自己。
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