dig [diɡ] n. 戳,刺挖苦vi. 挖掘vt. 挖,掘探究They began to dig into the hill.他们开始在山上挖洞。
Dig this kind of thing as much as we do?尽我们的努力尽可能多的挖掘这类事物
In those days we often went to dig for wild vegetables.那时候我们常常出去挖野菜。
原创 | 2022-12-05 18:36:51 |浏览:1.6万
dig [diɡ] n. 戳,刺挖苦vi. 挖掘vt. 挖,掘探究They began to dig into the hill.他们开始在山上挖洞。
Dig this kind of thing as much as we do?尽我们的努力尽可能多的挖掘这类事物
In those days we often went to dig for wild vegetables.那时候我们常常出去挖野菜。
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