It is / was +需要强调的部分+ that /who +句子的剩余部分。被强调的部分可以是一个句子中的主语,宾语以及状语。


I met Alisa at the gate of school last night. 

这是一个最简单的主谓宾结构的句子,at the gate of school 是地点状语,last night则为时间状语,那么在这个句子中,可以强调的部分可以是:

(1)I (主语) 强调主语:  It was I that /who met Alisa at the gate of school last night. (当强调的是主语且主语是人的时候,that和who都可以用)

(2)Alisa (宾语) 强调宾语:  It was Alisa that I met at the gate of school last night. 

(3)At the gate if school (地点状语) 强调地点状语:  It was at the gate of school that I met Alisa last night.

(4)last night (时间状语) 强调时间状语 :It was last night that I met Alisa at the gate of school.